mdm - Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung



  • Zwickauer Mulde bei Glauchau

  • Zwickauer Mulde

Western Saxony denotes the region around the city of Zwickau. Geographically speaking, one part of this area belongs to the Vogtland foothills and another to the Erzgebirge foothills. The proximity of these mountain ranges is made evident by elevations of between 245 and 610 meters. Despite its small size, Western Saxony is full of scenic variety and charm. Dense forests such as the Werdauer Wald alternate with meadows and crop fields. Rivers meander through narrow valleys, many ultimately forced into reservoirs by imposing dams. The ancient history of human settlement in this area is illustrated by the Waldhufendörfer farmers’ villages, a singular phenomenon unlike any other form of settlement in the world. These rows of houses along a road, a river or the bottom of a valley resemble beads strung up on a necklace.

Landkreis Zwickau
Tourismusregion Zwickau e.V.
Tourismusverband Chemnitz Zwickau Region e. V.