mdm - Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung


German-Polish Film Fund

The German-Polish Film Fund which is operated by MDM, the Polish Film Institute, Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg, and FFA-Filmförderungsanstalt is aimed at supporting co-production efforts between producers from Poland and producers from Germany with regards to film project development and — within the scope of smaller budgets — to their production. The annual budget of the fund is as a rule set at 500,000 euros. Regardless of the above opportunities, Polish-German co-productions with higher budgets are also eligible for seeking funding from regular film support programmes of the organizations that are Parties to this Agreement.
The fund provides selective support for promising film projects that could be of interest to audiences on both sides of the German and Polish border, as well as to European audiences.
Applications are always welcome.

Next submission deadline: tbc.

For further information please contact:
Christina Stockhausen
T: +49 (0) 341 - 269 87 44