mdm - Mitteldeutsche Medienförderung


Leipziger Bucht/Muldental

  • Burg Gnandstein

  • Schloss Colditz

  • Leipziger Auwald im Frühling

  • Schloss Gattersburg bei Grimma

  • Schnauderaue bei Groitzsch

  • Tagebau Schleenhain bei Leipzig

At first sight, the Leipziger Land seems flat and devoid of extraordinary scenic characteristics. There are no spectacular rivers or mountains. However, a closer look at this densely populated area reveals astounding processes of rapid change. The formerly ghastly landscapes south of Leipzig which had until 1989 become increasingly destroyed due to excessive open strip mining are currently being flooded to eventually form an unparalleled group of lakes; nearby, river floodplains are allowed to regenerate. East of the Leipziger Land, the Mulde river meanders beneath steep, terraced cliffs. The riverside is dotted with numerous castles which bear witness to a colorful history. Further north, the Mulde valley widens and gives way to vast floodplains which are dominated by sturdy, gnarly oaks.

Landkreis Nordsachsen

Landkreis Leipziger Land
Leipzig Tourismus und Marketing GmbH
Tourismus Leipziger Neuseenland
Tourist-Information des Heimat- und Verkehrsvereins "Rochlitzer Muldental" e.V.