Town Radius ---no--- 5 km 10 km 20 km 30 km 50 km 75 km 100 km Style classification Antiquity and early Christian architecture Romanesque Gothic Renaissance Baroque Saxonian Baroque Rococo Classicism Historism neo-Gothic neo-Renaissance neo-Baroque structural architecture turn of the century Wilhelminian/promoterism Art Nouveau Volksbauweise half-timbering Umgebinde slate Classic Modernism Bauhaus Expressionism Futurism Cubism Contructivism neo-Classiscism Nazi architecture post-war architecture Stalinist architecture industrial cement slab construction Sculpturalism socialist architecture postmodernism high-tech architecture modern contemporary architecture New Objective Style ecologically sound construction Heritage Century 1st Century - 7th Century 8th Century - 10th Century 11th Century - 12th Century 13th Century 14th Century 15th Century 16th Century 17th Century 18th Century 19th Century 20th Century 21th Century
Churches / Ecclesiastical buildings Cemeteries (12) Churches (23) Church ruins (3) Cloisters (13) Government Banks / Office buildings (24) Government agencies (25) Judicial buildings (11) Military (12) Public buildings (15) Science (33) Industry / Commerce Commerce (7) Craftmen´s trade (10) Industry (24) Trade (2) Leisure Catering trade (16) Cultural facilities (105) Pleasure (12) Recreation facilities (15) Sport (38) Tourism (34) Manors Castle ruins (8) Castles (28) Estates (32) Palaces (83) Parks (26)
Natural scenery Caves (2) Forests (8) Lakes (10) Mountains (7) Plains / Valleys (1) Riversides (7) Scenic places (11) Rural motifs Agriculture (19) Museums (17) Places of worship (1) Village views (35) Traffic Air traffic (9) Other (4) Railway (22) Streets (6) Water (12) Urban motifs Halls (15) Neighborhoods (21) Public gardens (23) Residental houses / Business houses (36) Urban groups (87)